LEE Shiou Yih | 李修逸

Forester; Plant Biotechnologist


Projects available for potential Final Year or Masters students, including part-time research assistant

1. Bioinformatics on Malaysian native tropical fruit tree species
2. Green space engineering/ Urban forestry via aerial and land observations
3. Forest management
4. Phytochemical studies on medicinal plants

*For potential PhD candidates, further discussion is required to ensure requirement in novelty and workload are achieved.
Research grants (Title; Duration; Funder; Role)
  • Evolution studies of Rambutan (Nephelium) in Malaysia based on the next-generation sequencing data; 2023-2025; INTI Seeding Grant; Project leader
  • Application of drone photogrammetry for urban green building profiling based on spectral-spatial method; 2023-2025; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Revealing the microbiome diversity of a commercialized homemade organic agarwood inoculum; 2023-2025; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Development of a complete chloroplast genome library using next-generation sequencing technique for the phylogenetic and evolution of Durian (Durio) species native to Malaysia; 2023-2025; FRGS; Project leader
  • Effects of a vegan essence on fatigue, general health, and perceived stress: a randomized controlled trial; 2023-2023; Happy Health (M) Sdn Bhd; Project leader
  • Morphological, physiological, genetic, and biochemical characterisation of two variants of the medicinal herb, Melastoma malabathricum (Melastomataceae); 2022-2023; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Comparative analysis of complete chloroplast genomes of Artocarpus species (Moraceae); 2022-2023; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Analysis of agarwood-inducing method using fire and saline; 2022-2023; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Ethnobotany, DNA barcoding, and chemical profiling of local medicinal plants in Malaysia; 2022-2023; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Phytochemical and toxicity screening of local medicinal plants with heat dumping properties; 2022-2023; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Development of a chloroplast genome library for characterization and conservation of six edible Durian (Durio) species native to Malaysia; 2021-2022 ; INTI Seeding Grant; Project leader
  • Identification and quantification of microplastic and isolation of potential microplastic degrading microbes; 2021-2022; INTI Seeding Grant; Co-researcher
  • Lineage differentiation of Sorbus insignis and its gene introgression with closely-related species; 2019-2022; Guangdong Foundation and Applied Fundamental Research Fund Committee; Co-researcher
  •  Biodiversity assessment and conservation planning of Qiniangshan River Basin in Shenzhen Dapeng Peninsula National Geological Park; 2019-2020;  Administration office of Dapeng Peninsula National Geopark; Co-researcher
  •  Plastome sequencing and evolution analysis of genus Danxiaorchis; 2019-2021;  Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Southern Subtropical Plant Diversity; Project leader
  •  Phylogenetic study of tribe Aquilarieae based on high-throughput genome sequencing; 2019-2021;  Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities; Project leader
  •  DNA genotyping of endangered agarwood-producing species using microsatellite technique and genetic variability of natural Aquilaria species between East and West Malaysia; 2018-2020; UPM; Co-researcher
  •  Development of a chloroplast library for DNA tracking and conservation of five endangered gaharu (Aquilaria) species native to Malaysia; 2018-2020; UPM; Co-researcher
  •  Comparison between different gaharu inducing techniques and socio-economic analysis on planter’s willingness-to-pay for gaharu inducing agents; 2017-2018; UPM; Co-researcher
  •  Gaharu inducement and assessment in planted karas at Empangan Jus, Melaka; 2016-2018; Malaccensis S/B; Co-researcher
  •  Establishment of a DNA barcoding database for species identification of wood samples from Malaysian timber species; 2016-2017; Malaysian Timber Industry Board; Co-researcher 

Research target specimens
  • Endangered and medicinal plants
  • Rhizomatous crops
  • Mycoheterotrophic plants
Research skills
  • Plant phylogenetics, systematics, and evolution
  • Plant DNA fingerprinting
  • Plant DNA barcoding
  • Wood forensic
  • Plant proteomics
  • Plant molecular breeding
Research interests

Aquilaria and Agarwood

This section confines everything related to the studies on the agarwood-producing genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops of Thymelaeaceae. It does not limit to only experimental studies, but also reviews.

Molecular Phylogenetics, Systematics, and Evolution

This section covers all genetic studies on plants, excluding Aquilaria. It also includes studies on DNA fingerprinting, DNA barcoding, wood forensic, and molecular breeding.

Botany and Forest Management

This section includes studies using conventional methods, including assessments on morphological and phytochemical. It also covers non-flora specimens as well as proteomics.